
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

A Review of The Fruit of Grisaia

A Review of The Fruit of Grisaia

I had never even heard of this show until a cousin of mine asked me to watch this show with him and give him my thoughts. After watching the first three episodes, I initially thought that I was going to hate this show but I decided to keep going and man...I WAS WRONG! I mean, this show isn't horrible but there is plenty for me to rip about so I will! I am GiraffePants and I would like to present to you all with a review of The Fruit of Grisaia. 



This psychological harem is about a young man named Yuuji who transfers to Mihama Academy to live a normal existence but the school is anything but normal. This school only holds 5 psychologically fucked up (but beautiful) girls because you I don't know!!! I have no idea why these girls are the only ones here; sure they're  messed up in the noggin but that's no need to waste government money on a gigantic school for 5 girls. Anyway, Yuuji begins socializing with the group of girls (because what else is he gonna do at an empty school) and begins to see the girls wounds open up and unfold. He decides to heal the girls' wounds because it turns out he is a former child spy soldier guy who has been sent by the government and other big entities to do this from the beginning.... Let that sink in.

If this sounds convoluted and utterly absurd to you then I can ensure you that you're not alone. That's not to say this is the only anime with complex story lines but the difference between this show and others that it's story doesn't work! A school of training assassins hired to kill their teacher who is a flying space octopus is convoluted but works! A guy with the ability to travel to a certain period of time to save his mother who's murdered in the present thanks to a series of events in the past  is convoluted but works! Grisaia's story line does not work because there is just too much going on. You have to go through 5 girls dark pasts while at the same time explain why all of this is happening in the first place... there is not enough time time to cover both in the time-span of 13 episodes but they tried (miserably). 

The biggest problem with the show is its pacing. The first three episodes are pretty useless to say the least. During the first episodes, we are introduced to the girls one by one as they demonstrate their differing personalities and the fact that these girls have psychological  issues. The rest of the time is filled with minor hijinks from the girls and some questionable erotic scenes (this is a harem after all). It's not until episode 4 that the story begins and we begin to go through the character arcs of the girls one by one but the pacing for the arcs is terrible. The first arc lasted about 2 episode and  I found that arc nice and another arc went that way and I started liking the show more because there was actual progression of plot. Thats when the pacing got weird. entire arcs for a girl would be covered in the span of 1 episode and when we got to the last girl, her arc lasted an entire 4 episodes! This pacing was a huge problem because it affected how much I liked the girls. Some girls, I liked a lot because their story was expressed well and i could understand her story but when a girl's arc runs for 1 episode, it doesn't give me the time to connect. 

The arcs themselves also range in their level of psychological horror. Some had me like "This isn't as horrible as I thought" while others had me like "That's so sad. I hope you heal" but then we got to the last arc and I was horrified!!! After seeing the first four arcs, I had a good idea of what to expect for the last arc but the show decided to throw everything I thought I knew and show me 3 episodes of grotesque horrifying story that I was not prepared for and that's bad. When you have an idea of what to expect and something entirely new is thrown at you it can turn you off and that's exactly what happened to me. I was shown a psychological story I was not prepared for and came out of it both pissed and full of anxiety! This is fucked up shit we're talking about! Eating dead puppies, committing cannibalism, rape, and maggots growing out of wounds (all in the same arc). Yeah, not a good time...



There are many main characters in the show (damn harems!) but I feel that it is absolutely necessary to go over all our main characters so you can get a good feel of the show. I will be going over a complex description for each character and their importance to the show.

Amane Suou: 

Main girl, most horrifying story
 Michiru Matsushima: 

Tsundere, my favorite
 Yumiko Sakaki:

Japanese beauty, not much else
 Makina Irisu:

Loli...... cause you always need one.
Sachi Komine:

Maid girl.

Yuuji Kazami: 

The guy. Serious, no expression, douchebag... don't like him.
Now that the complex character description is over with, let's talk about the cast as a whole. The cast is pretty typical for what you expect of a harem and visual novel. Still, this setup is normal so we accept it.  I enjoy most of the girls personalities (not the Loli) and how they produce some nice comedy. What I don't like are the ecchi scenes that seem randomly put in the show. There's nothing wrong with some ecchi because I realize what kind of show this is but the scenes tend to be put at the wrong time and tend to run a bit too long for my tastes. Hell, there's a good old masturbation scene in there because why not! Overall the girls are okay but I have a big problem with the main protagonist Yuuji. I just don't like him as a character. He constantly has this expressionless face that looks like a thousand yard stare and he is ALWAYS serious, even when he's trying to be fun. His design is typical of any generic main character and his background is ridiculous. He's just unrelatable on every level and possibly the worst character in  the whole show. 


Not much I have to say about the music of this show. It is forgettable to say the least! Most of the music sounds like pieces that have already existed in countless other anime. Even the OP sounds reminiscent of other shows (I'll put the OP down below). Nothing really stands out which is disappointing cause I would have loved to add some fresh music into my phone.


This is more in my expertise. The animation for this show is pretty decent. It represents the modern polished animation we've come to know, so pretty contemporary but good none the less. Throughout the show, there is a widescreen effect (you know, the top and bottom with black bars) which at first i didn't like but I ended up enjoying. The character designs are good. Nothing out of the blue but acceptable ( I enjoy Michiru's design the best). I especially like the little red eye mark every girl has at the end of their eye. I haven't see a detail like that before and actually like that a lot. The last thing i want to touch upon is the CG that is used in the show. I am not initially a fan of CG but man is the CG is not good here. Cars, and roads are made with CG and well, It looks like a Hot Wheel car is on a pixlelated road!!! That is probably a little exaggerated but I don't care. Overall, the animation is good but it could have been improved.

Final Verdict

I will give two separate scores; The technical score which is based on everything I've talked about and a personal score which is based on my pure enjoyment of the show. This will be out of 10, 10 being the best. If numbers confuse you think of it like a school grade where 8 out of 10 would be a B or 6 out of 10 would be a D. 

Technical Score-  7 out of 10 (C)

My technical score for The Fruit of Grisaia is a 7. It isn't great but it isn't horrible. There were some moments I enjoyed quite a bit but there was plenty for me to get upset about. Honestly I think a 7 is a bit generous but that's my final answer. Animation was good, story was alright, characters were alright, and the music was whatever. This show doesn't really stand out among other shows and could be tasteless at times but overall, not a waste of my time. 

Personal Score- 7 out of 10 (C)

My personal score is also a 7. The many flaws the show had kept holding me back from enjoying the show which I think was the biggest contributor for this score. There were some character arcs that I enjoyed more than I thought I would and there was some decent comedy thrown in but at the end I wouldn't  see this again and probably forget I saw this. 

Well, that's the end of the review and I hope you all enjoyed reading. Tell me down below what you thought of the show and whether I was too harsh on it. If you have a suggestion of a show I should review next, don't be afraid to tell me down below. Also consider checking out my YouTube Channel, GiraffePants Anime for other anime content and consider following this blog! This blog is brand new so anything is appreciated. Now that the shameless plugging is over with, I hope you guys enjoyed and hopefully, I will see you for another post! Later!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Top 10 Red Haired Anime Girls

Top 10 Red Haired Anime Girls

Only in anime can you find girls with all kinds of hair colors. Colors ranging from white to blue to black and every color in between gives a sense of fantasy that we can only hope to reach one day. That being said, for those of you who enjoy the color red well, this is the post for you. Let’s look at the ten coolest females in anime that just happen to have red hair. Some of these girls make your heart pound and some have you watching in awe at the spectacle they perform. Whatever the reason, these girls hit the list for making an impression on you.

10. Manaka Mukaido

To start this list is Manaka Mukaido from the show A Lull in the Sea. Manaka belongs to a race of humans who have the ability to live under the sea. She may be small (she is 14 after all), but she has a big heart. Manaka is the kind of girl that cares deeply for her friends and always wants the group to be happy. She enters the list at number ten because her heart of gold stays true no matter the obstacle. It’s something you can look up to in awe; having the ability to love your friends no matter what. There was one point in the show where Manaka’s friend Chisaki is angry (for reasons I won’t say) and doesn’t speak to her for a number of episodes. In the end they make up and she accepts her in open arms. If I was her, I’d be gloating about being right and rubbing it in my friends face, but then again, we can’t all be saints.

09. Sakaki Shizuka

At number nine on this list is Sakaki Shizuka from the show, Shirobako. Sakaki is a struggling voice actor who is trying to make her break in the industry along with her friends who are also working in the anime industry. While trying to break through in her career she works as a waitress at a local bar. Sakaki is considered by her friends to be a hard worker and does her best to stay positive as she struggles to become a voice actress.  She makes the list at number nine mainly for two reasons. The first reason is that she is a stunning beauty. I mean just look at her; if I was a girl, I’d definitely be jealous of her. The second reason why she’s on this list is because she is an underdog. As I’ve said, Sakaki is a struggling voice actress and has the hardest time finding success compared to the rest of the main cast and knowing how hard she works to succeed just hits your heart in an emotional sense and has you cheering for her.

08. Suou Pavlichenko

At number eight is Suou Pavlichenko from Darker Than Black: Gemini of the Meteor. This young little Eurasian lives in a world full of dangerous ability wielders called contractors. She herself is a contractor, with the ability to manifest a PTRD-41 (some kind of sniper gun) from a meteor rock in her necklace. This tough girl makes the list for being so brave and having a pretty awesome ability. She isn’t afraid to put up a fight, even if it is up against someone superior to her. That’s pretty admirable considering that she’s only thirteen. Suou is cooler than most people in the world. It also doesn’t help to have a sniper manifest in your hands. It makes my power to hold in my urine for a whole day seem a lot less cool.

07. Chidori Takashiro

Number seven on this list is Chidori Takashiro from Kiznaiver. Chidori is stuck in a love triangle between the main protagonist and another woman and suffers emotionally because of it. It also doesn’t help that her physical and emotional pain are connected to six other people including the main protagonist and other woman. With the hell spiral she’s been a part of, she can’t help but cry her tears away. It makes you want to go to her, hug her and take the place of the jerk breaking her heart (can you sense my anger). It’s like when a random woman is crying in public and you just have to approach her to comfort her.

06. Rias Gremory

Number six in this top ten list is Rias Gremory from High School DxD. She’s on this list for two different reasons than the others. First, she is a demon with a whole bunch of power. She comes from a distinguished home of devils along with destructive powers inherited from her family. She can easily incinerate matter which goes against the teachings of Einstein but who cares! The second reason is that she is quite… seductive. If you don’t know, High School DxD is a harem and falls on the more intense side of the harem spectrum. Plenty of nude shots and sexual circumstances occur in the show and as a result, we see plenty of Rias and her bodacious body. Rias makes this list for playing with mens’ (and some ladies) hormones. I believe that ability to be way more deadly. Every man is hook, line, and sinker at the sight of Rias.

05. Shirayuki

At number five is Shirayuki from Snow White with the Red Hair. She may not be as physically seductive as Rias but her personality is enough to make you want to protect her. Shirayuki is a sweet girl who puts others before herself and does her best to get along with others. She can get flustered when she’s uncomfortable (her cutest feature) and above all dedicates herself to what she loves. Shirayuki works to be a court herbalist which is basically like a medicine doctor. She tends to be put in dangerous situations but is a brave lady and even more important, resourceful. She can make medicine from available plants and has proven to be able to get out of sticky situations with her brains. She comes in at number five because her medicinal abilities and lovely personality make her stand out among other red heads.

04. Maki Nishikino

At number four is Maki Nishikino from Love Live. This spunky girl makes it on the list due to her looks, personality, and beautiful voice. Maki is quite the looker. Her short curly hair is gorgeous and her slender figure makes her look like a model. If that wasn’t enough, her personality is adorable. Maki is a tsundere (google it if you don’t know) and can be quite stubborn but is in reality a kind girl. She also has some childish thoughts due to her being smoking rich! She still believes in Santa even though she is way too old to believe in Santa.  If that isn’t cute I don’t know what is. Finally, Maki has a great singing voice (best of the whole group if you ask me). Her sweet voice can intrigue any person listening and for all these reasons, Maki hits number four.

03. Luluco

Number three belongs to Luluco from Space Patrol Luluco. Luluco makes this list mainly because she is just a fun character to watch. If you see the show, you’ll quickly discover that this show is a visual rollercoaster and the story is as insane as it comes. Luluco is no different. She might be moe but don’t let that fool you, She can transform herself into a gun! She describes herself as normal but she is anything but normal, that’s for sure. Luluco fights a multitude of enemies, travels through multiple universes, all in the name of love! I just can’t help but love this girl and all her crazy antics.

02. Yoko Littner

Two words, hot and dangerous. Yoko littner definitely has a… unique choice in clothing. It leaves little to the imagination but that’s not a bad thing. Yoko’s looks are something to behold and makes my heart pound just to look at her.  If that isn’t enough to persuade you well there are other reasons for being so deep in this list; all of them guns! She has a sniper rifle and handguns to dish out justice and her skills give her an advantage over any opponent! Yoko hits number two due to her smoking looks and smoking guns but number one is even more impressive.

01. Erza Scarlet

At number one is Erza Scarlet from Fairytail. Erza is the definition of awesome. She has the magical ability to change her armor as necessary, all with different abilities. She wields weapons (mostly swords) that causes major damage and a fighting spirit that won’t quit no matter what.  She is the toughest of the tough and that is what makes her so darn cool. It also helps that she’s drop dead gorgeous. She has some of the most beautiful scarlet hair in anime and a figure that makes you have a drool moment. Erza Scarlet is the coolest red head in the anime. 

Hope you guys enjoyed the post. Comsider following the blog if you like what I write and also consider following my Youtube Channel, GiraffePants Anime. I do comedy bits, reactions, and reviews! I'm currently doing a reaction series of Keijo so if you're interested in that, come check it out!Channel Link