

So.....You actually clicked on the about link. I didn't think anyone would actually want to learn about me and this operation I'm running. Well I'll be happy to tell you about everything GiraffePants!

For starters, this is my blog/podcast site where I post all my thoughts and analysis on the most current and popular anime! Reviews, First Impressions, Final Thoughts, Watchlists, Discussions, Best of, and Top Lists, all of it can be found here! I do my best to post on a constant rhythm of once a week and upload a podcast once a week but there will definitely be times where I'm a bit behind or ahead. What can I say, I'm a busy guy juggling a YouTube Channel, Blog, Podcast, and college. Every platform I have more or less has different stuff. Some content you'll only find on the podcast, blog, or channel. It's important that yo check all platforms for content that might not be in another.

About Me

Don't worry, I'll make this simple so you guys can get a nice view of the kind of person I am.
  • 21 years old as of 2017
  • best described as "SOCIALLY AWKWARD"
  • I love Giraffes (If yo couldn't tell)
  • Love: giraffes, eating, drawing, taking poops, being an idiot, the art of couch potato, anything funny, waking up early, having deep discussions, and thinking about you *Winks at you*
  • Hate: conflict, wearing the color yellow, being behind on shit, angry people, spicy food, bad drivers, energy drinks, having to be social, small talk, and  the word "Supple"
  • Been watching anime since 2012
  • Total # of anime seen: Roughly +300
  • Blogging since 2014
  • YouTube Creator since 2016
  • Pod-casting since 2017
  • Favorite genres: Shonen, Slice of Life, and Comedy
  • Don't read manga (wish I could but I don't have the time or the attention span)
  • Love video games (but I suck ass!)
There you go, me in a nutshell!

I'll leave links for my Channel and Twitter down below for you to follow and check out, If you have any questions go to my FAQ's or contact me by email!

GiraffePants Anime YouTube Channel Link

GiraffePants Official Twitter: @giraffe_pants

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