
Saturday, June 3, 2017

Interviews With Monster Girls Review

I love it when I find a show that surprises me! It's like looking at you're bank account and seeing that you have more money than you originally thought! I definitely found a show like that in the winter season! I was a bit skeptical about Interviews With Monster Girls but it turned out to be one of my more favorite shows of the season! Let's take a look and see what makes this show better than people may think! Also if you want more stuff to see then check out my YouTube channel, GiraffePants Anime where I do reaction episode to anime series. I'm currently reacting to Berserk 2017 so if that interests you, then check it out!



Tetsuo Takahashi is a biology teacher with a fascination for Demi people, half-human half-monster hybrids that have integrated into present society. His urge to study them (academically) is answered when all of the sudden, three demi students enroll into the school as well as a demi teacher! Takahashi quickly befriends the girls quickly and begins to study them hoping to learn more about demi life and how different (or similar) they are to humans.


As I said earlier, I was pleasantly surprised by this show. I came into this show worried because when you look at the title, you immediately start to think bad things. My first thoughts were, inappropriate harem, ecchi, and huge flop. Luckily, my thoughts were wrong! This show provides a nice story that really warmed my heart. I enjoyed the bond between teacher and student as it grew into an acceptable friendship. It's the characters that really make this show. I'll talk about them later so let's focus on other aspects. The pacing of the show could have been better. There were times where the story was moving slow and other times where it felt too fast. It really went back and forth around the spectrum. For example, there was one episode solely focused on Sakie, the demi teacher and we learned about the fact that she's monitored by a detective to make sure she doesn't use her succubus powers for evil. Although it was an insightful development into the life of Sakie, I felt it was unnecessary that the show take a whole episode to explain this point. I think that the show could have been more effective if they had shortened that side story and continued with the main plot. There were times that the show flowed nicely though. The arc focused on Yuki, the snow woman, was well done and was what really got me thinking, "Hey! This show could be good." That's what the show did best; these more sincere and more serious moments. This show likes to have these moments of conflict with the demi girls. As we all know, it's hard to find our place in society; now imagine trying to find our place as a demi human. We're going to run into some problems and that's just what happens. Our main characters face issues that only they can and it makes the show feel fresh and insightful. How do you go around while holding your head? How do you deal with heat as a vampire? How do you get around being a succubus? Interesting questions are answered and not only do our characters grow but so does Takahashi, the man studying them. I absolutely loved this side of the show; it was everything I could have hoped for and I was impressed.

There's also a nice touch of comedy in the show. Most of it isn't die hard laughing level of humor but it does make you chuckle or throw out a giggle so often. Some comedy includes the demi girls' mischievous acts or their (including the demi teacher) blunders due to the crush they all have with Takahashi. That's another thing that needs addressing. This crush that the demi girls have for Takahashi is surprisingly nice. I thought I'd hate it because I thought it would be weird (Teenagers shouldn't have a thing for their teacher after all) but the show managed to make it work. These feelings that the girls hold for their teacher is made up of one part romantic feelings and two parts admiration. This admiration comes out of a respect the girls have for Takahashi's character and the way he treats them. I'm much more okay with this kind of romance compared to if the girls just thought he was hot or something. It makes the romantic feelings feel more real and adorable. One last comment; I was ultimately not pleased with how the season ended. The pool episode was nice but it didn't give me the closure I was looking for. I can understand if people were to say that the second to last episode is more like the finale and the last episode is more like a bonus but it may throw you off if you're looking for a grand conclusion in the last episode.


Let me say...I fell in love with the main cast pretty fast. I immediately found them interesting and fun to watch. They're not crazy characters in the slightest but they do feel real and it never feels like their personalities are being forced. The personalities aren't complex but they aren't simple either. For example, Yuki goes through a great transformation in the show. She starts as a kind but rather quiet and reserved person but then we come to see that she has an interest in comedy and loves reading funny manga! Later in the show, Yuki begins to come out of her shell and begins to share among her friends and Sakie. By the end of the show, Yuki becomes quite a talkative person and cheerful while still holding the kind personality she had in the beginning. It was nice seeing growth in characters but even seeing the girls just having fun was great. The demi girls' chemistry is well done and the perceived bond between them is strong. These three demi girls become friends really fast you almost think they've been friends since birth! The point I'm trying to make is that the characters are great in many aspects and is probably the biggest strength of the show!


The music for this show was ok; nothing spectacular but not horrendous either. The opening song for this show is, "Original" by TrySail. The song is nice but far from memorable. The vocals were pretty good but the music felt lacking and a bit reminiscent of too many other openings. The ED is, "Fairy Tale" by Sangatsu no Phantasia. This song was much better than the OP but still lacking overall. It was good because it helped you cool down after the episode was relaxing to listen to but lacking because it too sounded like other EDs I've heard before. Pretty much the same could be said about the music within the show. Music is very simplified in this show and that's not necessarily a bad thing but it didn't help me personally. Ultimately, it's up to you whether music is an important part of the story telling process.


Here's another area where a have a bit of concern. Now don't get me wrong; I think the animation is good, but that's as far as I'd go. I wouldn't say it's great, just good. Again, nothing bad with that but I feel like A-1 Pictures (The guys in charge of this) could have done better. If you've read my review for WWW.Working (If no go read it) then you know that my feelings for A-1 Pictures are complicated. I Like A-1 Pictures but their animation quality has been flip flopping like crazy since 2016. There are definitely moments where the animation shines and has more detail than usual but for the most part, the animation and art style is very simple. Now I don't think it hurts the show but I know we all have preferences so I put this up here. A positive about the animation is that it mixes well with the comedic cues. The comedy is heightened thanks to the help of the animation. Expression changes are hilarious this show. Someone will be eating a cookie and all of sudden the cookie cracks (the cookie didn't deserve that) and a devilish smiles appears on their face! To wrap up what I've said; the animation could have been better but I don't hate it.


Technical Score: 7.4 out of 10
Interviews with Monster Girls has a lot to offer someone watching. It has a great story that hits a lot of ideas and lessons with a finesse you don't see a lot and well-built characters that keep us entertained. This story never feels rushed beside the fact the pacing is an issue as well as the ending (hoping for a second season). Both music and animation are sub-par but never hurts the story this show wants to tell. If you're more interested in story than fabulous display then I would recommend you check this show out if you haven't already.

Personal Score: 7.7 out of 10
As you already know, I was pleasantly surprised by this show. I think it's nice finding gems like these; It might be lacking in some aspects but it makes up for it with its story and characters. This is a show I can look at in the future and say, "Man...THANK GOD that was good otherwise it would've been a waste of my life!" Please check this show out if you haven't seen it, I am sure (not really) that you'll enjoy watching these cute demi girls have a lovely adventure along with their lovable science teacher!