
Monday, January 9, 2017

Top 10 Blue Haired Anime Girls

Aren’t women in anime just beautiful? They come from various backgrounds, abilities, quirks, and most important of all (arguably) hair color. If you watch anime a lot, you tend to develop preferences for a great anime girl and hair color is definitely one such characteristic. Today, I will be talking about the ladies who sport the color blue and are always cool. This is the top ten anime girls with blue hair.


                                                        10. Ami Mizuno

First girl to make this list is Ami Mizuno better known as Sailor Mercury from Sailor Moon. Ami has the classic personality for a girl with blue hair. She is the cool and rational type. She is polite and is smart compared to other characters. She cares for people deeply which makes sense since she wants to become a doctor. Ami makes it on this list because of her ice cool personality. If I knew someone like her in real life, I’d be down to the center of the earth because that’s how hard people would fall for her (did that make sense?).

09. Shiina

The next girl on our list is Shiina from the popular Angel Beats. She may be silent but she has a sharp tongue and combat skills that are even sharper! One of the more mysterious members of the SSS, Shiina is quiet but opens her mouth when she has something important to say but those things tend to be ridicule on her members or plans against god. Don’t try to pick a fight though because Shiina is a self-proclaimed ninja. She has multiple kunai which she can throw with great precision and agility to get away from sticky situations. Shiina makes this list for having such an intense personality and kunai to match; also she has a secret love for cute things, especially cats.

08. Momoko Hyakushiki

At number eight is Momoko Hyakushiki from the currently popular Nanbaka. Momoko is the warden of the most advanced security prison in the world. If someone told me that, I’d be pretty impressed but that is not why she’s on this list. She is on this list for two reasons. The first is the she is very beautiful, I really mean that. She can take me to jail and do whatever she wants with me! I apologize if that joke sucked. The second reason is that Momoko has two sides to her personality. The first side is her serious warden side. The second side is her secret girly side where she shows her secret love for one of the prison gaurds! Watching that side of her makes me die with laughter! If you look up some videos, you’ll see what I mean.

07. Umi Sonada

Number seven of this list belongs to Umi Sonada from Love Live! Umi is seven on this list because she also boasts the classic cool personality but she can also sing! Umi is a member of the girl group in the show and tends to be calm, cool, and collected. Despite this, Umi can get very flustered if she is in a situation that makes her uncomfortable.  She also has a great singing voice (I only like the voice of Umi and one other member of the show). Her voice is mature and elegant which is always a plus for me but it’s not enough to put her further down the list.

06. Konan

The next girl on this list is Konan from Naruto. Konan makes the top ten for having one of the coolest abilities! Konan also has the classic cool personality (I’m telling you, this is a thing!) but that is not important compared to her ninjitsu. Konan has ninjitsu abilities related to paper and if you think the power of paper sounds lame, well you have no idea what you’re talking about! She can manipulate paper to be as sharp as knives, strong as a bridge, and she can create wings for herself with millions of pieces of paper. That awesome ability gets her high on this list.

05. Tsugumi Seishirou

Number five on this list is Tsugumi Seishirou from Nisekoi. Tsugumi is a bodyguard and childhood friend to the main female protagonist. She has the personality of a loyal knight, always sticking to her friend’s side and looking out for them but that is not the reason she is on this list. Tsugumi hits number five because she is a secret beauty (what does that mean?). You know when you see someone and you don’t think that person is cute at first but then that person becomes increasingly more attractive as you time passes and in the end they seem irresistible to you. It’s the same deal here. You don’t think much of Tsugumi when you first meet her but as time passes, you end up liking her a lot.

04. Megumi Tadokoro

At number four is Megumi Tadokoro from Shokugeki no Soma. Megumi is a student of the highly esteemed Tootsuki Culinary Academy and comes from humble beginnings. Megumi comes from a small harbor town and attends the great culinary school to improve her abilities despite the fact that most students come from rich culinary backgrounds. Megumi comes in at number four for having the cutest personality ever. Megumi gets flustered very easily and is pretty clumsy. She is a tender girl who is always nice to others and tries her best to not be a bother to other people. She doesn’t have much confidence in her cooking skills but as the show continues, her confidence grows and she develops more faith in herself. You can’t help but love her and all her little cute traits.

03. Rem

Number three on the top ten list belongs to Rem from ReZero. Rem is a maid in the show who has some crazy powers but her powers are not the reason for her being so far in this list. The reason Rem is deep in the list is because she has the greatest dedication of any character I’ve seen. There’s a point in the show where Rem is traveling with the main protagonist as he tries to save the girl he loves but his mental state is in a dark place. Despite that, she stays by his side even when he mentally breaks down. She stays by his side out of love for him and in the end, gives him the strength to get over his mental instability and go save his love. Tragic, but to be that dedicated even when you know your love won’t be returned is something to admire.

02. Juvia Lockser

At number two is Juvia Lockser from Fairytail. Juvia is a member of the magical guild, Fairytail and has the magical ability to control water. Juvia is number two on the list because she has a great personality and an even better body! Whoo! Juvia has an awesome figure; just google her and you’ll see so many great picture of her. Her personality is something to behold too because it has developed dramatically throughout the show. When she is first introduced, she is seen as distant, monotone, and has a classic cool personality. As the show continues she becomes more friendly, emotional, loving, and funny. She is one of the most beautiful characters of the show and that gets her pretty far in this list.

01. Mio Naganohara

Finally, at number one on this top ten list is Mio Naganohara from Nichijou. Mio hits number one on this list because she is one of the funniest characters I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing. Mio is involved in some of the craziest hijinks a show can have and watching her makes people laugh until their stomachs hurt. Her funny actions really hit the funny bone hard. From her short temper to her passion for drawing Yaoi (boys love), Mio is a fantastic character that brings joy to viewers eyes and for that reason, she hits number one in this top ten list!

Well...I hope you guys enjoyed this blog! If you did, consider following the blog or consider checking out my YouTube Channel, GiraffePants Anime where I got plenty of videos for you guys to see. Leave comments down below about what you think about this list or who you think belongs here!

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