
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Top 10 Green Haired Anime Girls

This has been the hardest list that I've come up with so far and that's not because I couldn't decide on who to put on the list. It's because I hardly had any green-haired beauties to choose from. I was really struggling to find some ladies but after some tough digging I've done it. I would love to present to you all my top 10 green haired girls. Let's see if your favorite makes the list!

*NOTE* SPOILER FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......maybe.


To start of this countdown I have CC from the ever well known Code Geass. I know some of you are angry already... "HOW THE HELL IS CC NUMBER TEN!" Nobody freak out but I haven't seen Code Geass yet! Yes, start throwing the comments; I haven't seen the show yet but I do plan on watching it sometime this year. So why is CC even on this list. You know how you browse on the internet and find an anime girl and you're like "She's cute" and then you find out that there are a lot of pictures of her so you know she must be from something but you don't care. You just wanna keep looking at her and how cute she is eating pizza. Yeah.... that's basically what happened. I found CC before I found Code Geass. So in reality I just like her cause I find her cute but on another note, I think her love for pizza is absolutely wonderful. I fucking love pizza so I know we could be lovers in some weird dimension where 2-d and 3-d exist on the same plane; You know what? I'm gonna stop talking so I don't sound like a pathetic idiot. Moving on.


Next on the list is Tatsumaki from One Punch Man. Tatsumaki makes onto the list just because she's pretty cool. Her character design Is pretty simple but I think the simplicity is what makes her stand out. Just a long form fitting black gown with slits (by the way, slits are hot!) and curly emerald hair make her look like a girl who don't gives no shits! Her power is sick too. Since the beginning of time, telekinesis has been people's favorite power (You have Star Wars to thank for that) and Tatsumaki demonstrates just why we love it so much. Moving shit with minimal effort and floating in the air like a god damn genie are all plenty of reasons to feel like the coolest person in the world! God! Now I want Telekinetic powers! Tatsumaki would be higher on this list if she had more screen time. We see her for like a total of five minutes (I don't even think I'm joking) and that will never be enough to land you at the top spot. Whenever a second season comes around and she makes a grand appearance, I'll put her higher but for now, #9 it is.


The next lovely girl on the Top 10 is Akeno Shiranui from My Bride is a Mermaid. If you guys remember this show you know how funny it is but also how crap the animation was. Anyway, Akeno came onto the show towards the later half and she wasn't funny herself but the situations she put herself in were funny. Akeno is pretty cool because *Spoiler Alert* She's a freaking mermaid! I mean who wouldn't want to be friends with a mermaid! Ever since The Little Mermaid everyone thinks mermaids are hot and I am one such man! It's also cool that she's also has that loyal knight kind of personality and carries some weapon with her. I forgot if it was like a kendo stick or a katana but she's a force to be reckon with. She doesn't get that much further down the list because well, there's not much else I can say about her. Side characters don't get enough time man.


On #7 in the list is Tsubomi Kido from Mekakucity Actors. I don't remember if this show was popular but I certainly liked it. Tsubomi is a pretty rad character and you can tell just by looking at her. She has a pretty sick character design. She's rocking the gangster look with the rolled up pant leg and minty converse! She just screams cool; so cool in fact that she wears two sweaters to keep herself warm (cue in chuckle)......I'm not very funny. I actually do like her two sweaters; the inner one covers half of her face so she looks like a modern ninja and then her outer sweater makes her look like an assassin! Overall she's just a mysterious looking character and not gonna lie....that's kinda attractive. She's a very attractive woman; actually she's pretty in an androgynous way because you can't really tell if she's a boy or girl. I like her personality too because for the most part she's calm and collected and she's a bit of a tomboy. If you've read my other top 10 female blogs then you know I love the calm and collected girls! Sadly, Tsubomi doesn't reach higher than #7 just because I don't remember the show that well so I can't completely recall her character. Now I'm thinking about watching that again.


At #6 in the countdown is Bisca Connell from Fairy Tail. We don't get enough cowgirls in anime, I mean there are some and Bisca is one of them. Bisca is pretty cool cause she's a combination of magic and gun slinging. There's not much to her personality since she's a side character but there is a lot to say about her power. Bisca has a whole arrange of magic guns from snipers to bazookas and dual wielders. Each one is able to deal some major damage and she can change gun to gun with ease with her requip ability. A woman who can stay deadly and beautiful get a plus in my book. During the first season of Fairy Tail, I didn't really like her design but the redesign she got for the second season of Fairy Tail is definitely better and makes her way hotter! Bisca can't be any higher then #6 because just like many of the girls you see on this list, she's a side character and doesn't get a lot of time on the screen. What a damn shame!


The next girl on the list is Ponzu from Hunter X Hunter. Ponzu wasn't on the show that long but when I saw her, I knew that I liked her! I find her to be a cool character overall; I think the biggest factor to why she makes the list is because of her ability. I mean she's wearing a beehive on her head! That's fucking cool! I hate bees so the fact the she ain't afraid of no bees and has actually tamed them to do her bidding is pretty badass! She also knows how to fight with chemicals. She can create some cool traps and she even made like a lethal sleeping gas so not only is she a bee tamer but she probably has a degree in chemistry.Lastly, I like Ponzu because she's short. I actually don't know if she is short but because she wears cute baggy pants and a giant hat that's a beehive, she looks pretty short. If she was a more recurring character, she would definitely be waifu material but She's not so she only comes up to #5. 

Continuing with the list is Aiko Kudo from Baka to Test at #4. There's not a whole lot I can say about Aiko due to the fact that she's a side character in the show. We don't get to see her a lot but the times we do see here are great! She is such a funny character; I love the gags she pulls with Kouta and his camera! I think what I love most about her is what a tease she is; she'll tug at your heart strings a bit and... I don't know I just like that forwardness about her. I'm also a huge fan of short hair so her spiky minty hair is pleasant to look at. Props for her being a bit more of a tan girl. You can't really tell when she's next to other characters but she's a slight more tan and westerners like me dig the tan! I wish she was in the show more that way I'd have more things to say but sadly side character's don't have much story to them. 

03. SUU

Next on the list is my #3 spot, Suu from Monster Musume. Now... I have no idea whether Suu actually counts because she is a girl but she's also a slime monster so that's weird. I decided she counts but if you want to fight me on that you can down below in the comments section. Anyway... Suu makes it on the list for having a great design! I love her big eyes, they almost looks soulless cause they lack pupils but I actually like eyes like that. I also LOVE her slime hair! I don't really know why I love her hair so much but just the fact that it's slime hair is pretty awesome and it looks amazing. I also like it when she's wearing her rain coat and boots because there a little big for her and makes her look cute as hell!!! The fact that she doesn't really talk is a plus! Nothing better than a woman who's pretty and doesn't talk! HAHA!. I immediately apologize for the joke, don't kill me......please...please.


At # 2 on this list is Kayano Kaede from Assassination Classroom. I love Kayano because she's an interesting character. For a huge majority of the show, she was just kinda like a side character but then towards the second part pf the show, she becomes more of a major player. I don't want to spoil anything so I won't say anymore but I love how she becomes an important character with backstory and purpose in the show. Assassination Classroom lacked character backstory and I think that's because there are just so many characters so seeing Kayano being one of the few characters with a story makes her that much better. She's also pretty comedic. I enjoy her inferiority complex; I feel like that trope is a little played out but she makes it work. Even funnier is her love for pudding. She just loves pudding so damn much and I love it. First it makes me laugh and then it makes me go "Awwwwwww" because it's so adorable. I can get behind a pudding loving cutie!


Yes my friends, at #1 I have someone few may know about; mostly because she's only been around for a year but she is my favorite green haired lady. At #1 is Mira Yurizaki from Dimension W. I love Mira for many reasons. First and foremost, Mira is just so darn cute! Her character design is my favorite part; from her cute short dress, to her pistachio voluminous hair, to the robotic tail and ears, She screams adorable! Second, I love her voice. I think the voice Mira was given was just perfect for her. It was nice and sweet but not too much that she sounded like some idiot loli or anything! This one is kinds weird because she's voiced by Reina Ueda and I don't necessarily love any of her other roles. I know some of the characters that she's played but for the most part, I don't know much about Ueda so I was kinda shocked since the voice wasn't someone I knew well. Last reason, She's straight out cool! I mean I would love for Mira to be real. She's a cute girl who's also a super fighting robot! Plus, she's also like a neko girl with her ears and tail; so Cute + Neko + Robot = Waifu 4 Laifu!!!

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this post. If you got something to say, add, or complain about feel free to comment down below! If yo like what I do then follow and check out my YouTube Channel, GiraffePants Anime for more great content which I'll leave a link down below for. More posts will come soon so sit tight and I'll see you all next time!

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