
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Great Passage Review

One of my favorite genres in anime is the Slice of Life genre which explores the issues that can be found in everyday life and gives avid watchers a nice needed break from all the crazy content anime gives us. A recent show that I fell in love with is Fune Wo Amu also known as The Great Passage by Studio Zexcs. Most of us would describe most anime as a race, intense and competitive but The Great Passage isn't like that at all; it's better described as a leisurely stroll through the park. I'll explain what I mean later below so lets get into this, shall we?

  • There may be spoilers (can't really tell)
  • Synopsis down below for those of you who need it
  • Skip synopsis if you don't need it


This story is about a shy quiet man by the name of Mitsuya. He works in the sales department at his publishing company but he's obviously chosen the wrong path. That's when he meets a fellow co-worker named Masashi who's also in the sales department but sees that Mitsuya would be a better fit somewhere else. Masashi introduces Mitsuya to the dictionary department which holds only three members. The department learns about Mitsuya's talent for definitions and editing so soon they hire him to work in the dictionary department and that's where our story takes off!


So what do I mean by leisurely stroll. Instead of being fast paced and full of twists and turn, this show decides to take its time to tell its story. That's pretty difficult considering that this show only runs for 11 episodes. Many people (including some of you) probably feel that 11 episodes is not enough to execute a story properly but I think that 11 episodes was the right number of episodes for this show. It fully explored every topic it needed to explore (more or less) and that's due to its good pacing. This story centers around the lives of the members of the dictionary department as they work to complete their dictionary, "The Great Passage." The show encompasses around 15 years from the point Mitsuya joins the department until the books completion. Because we cover so much time, a lot of things are covered. The show never gets boring (in my opinion of course) because there are plenty of problems that come along the way just as in ordinary life. So why does it also feel so gentle and slow paced even though so much time passes. I think this is because the approach to the show is very peaceful. Plenty of internal monologues and talking things out. This show isn't a wild roller coaster of emotions like a romantic drama or a shonen. It's a show meant to help us think about our position in life and contemplate what we should live for.

One thing I love is how the show focuses on the individual as much as the entire dictionary department. Characters get a chance to share their thoughts and not just be 1 dimensional. Mitsuya, being the main character gets most of that spotlight but the supporting cast gets a good portion to demonstrate their views and personality. You see that this show isn't just about making "The great passage"; It's about the entire lives of this cast and their dedication to this project which acts as the glue that sticks them together. This story includes romance and dramatic situations, just like in real life where there are multiple things going on in one's life. Time with individuals opens up the show to another layer by giving us more than just dictionary making. That's not to say that the time the group is together is bad. I'm enjoying the show just as much when they're together working on the dictionary. The struggles of making a dictionary from the ground up was interesting to experience. Seeing the chemistry between the characters as the show progresses was good. When the show covers 15 years, you expect things to be different from point A to point B. Good pacing and good content make this show awesome. 


I enjoy this lovely cast of characters that make the show feel real. My biggest compliment is that the characters all feel natural. No character feels rushed or put in a situation just for the hell of it. Everyone plays a role which does differ in importance but are necessary none the less. They have great chemistry as I said earlier which helps the show flow smoothly without too many awkward scenes. Character development is another issue. I can't say the character development is awesome. Characters get plenty of screen time but not enough to justify 15 years passing us in the blink of an eye. Mitsuya gets the most development which is fairly decent. He doesn't learn to be any more social but he learns to take action and work hard for what he's passionate about. Seeing Mitsuya being a bit of a leader isn't something you'd expect when first watching the show but seeing that development made me happy for Mitsuya. The other characters don't really get character development; they're not 1 dimensional people as i said previously but the amount of change they go through compared to Mitsuya is significant so I have to deduct points for that.


The music reflects the show wonderfully. The majority of the music is orchestral, using woodwind, string, brass instruments, and piano. Most of the music has a peaceful tempo similar to the show's feel since it covers a vast amount of time and has a simple approach to the issues of life. The music is great at enhancing emotions or the situation at hand. For example, in moments of deep thought, the show plays music to represent that or when the show is expressing a moment of success, the show will play music that sounds victorious. I can't say this is the best music of all time, but its music that does its job and is enjoyable to listen to. 


The animation for The Great Passage is lovely. It gives off a mature feel. Nothing crazy is done with the animation because this is a slice of life show so the show wants to reflect real life as much as possible. It uses a lot of soft colors; nothing vibrant is used like bright yellows or pastels. I wouldn't say the color palette is monotone but it's somewhere in that direction. The character designs are also pretty mature. There are no big eyes or moe girls; Everyone looks mature and simpler. The movement of the animation is decent. I didn't notice any sloppy movement; for the majority of the show, the movement is natural and flows nicely. The art direction on the other hand is average. There are some nice moments of imagery with the ferris wheel and the ocean of words that Mitsuya has to deal with but that's pretty much it. There aren't any crazy camera angles or deep symbolism but overall, the show's animation is great. 

Final Verdict

Technical Score- 7.5 out of 10 (C)

Overall, I thought this was a good show. I'm a big fan of Slice of Life shows and I enjoyed every moment of The Great Passage. The story is good and perfect for watching without a care; A thought provoking story that makes you think about your position in life. A wonderful cast supports the show like pillars supporting a building. The music gives the show a gentle touch that compliments the show's very nature and the animation is nice to look at and presents a mature nature that is perfect for the show. 

Personal Score- 7.9 out of 10 (C+)

I personally enjoyed this show because I enjoy most slice of life shows. I like shows that make me ponder about myself and help me reflect on stuff. If you want to take a breather and watch a pleasant show that may even lead you into a little bit of tears, this is an excellent show to see. If this show Isn't your cup of tea, then what the hell are you even doing here!

I hope you guys enjoyed this post! Leave a comment down below about what you think about this show and if you like what I do, then consider following the blog or check out my Youtube Channel, GiraffePants Anime for more content. That's all guys, hope you enjoyed and I'll see you on the next post.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Best Animation of 2016

Animation comes in many styles and forms. From highly detailed and polished to sketchy and fluid, anime brings multiple dimensions of art straight to our eyeballs and the result is an EYEGASM. I don't know if other people use this term but all it means is that whatever you're looking at is so good or beautiful it gives your eyes an orgasm! 

As you all see I want to talk about animation today! A while back I had seen Crunchyroll's Anime Awards on their site and I looked at who won best animation (not best anime, animation). I was not personally happy about which show won So I thought it would be great to talk about the shows that were in my opinion top quality when it comes to the animation of a show. I've added a poll that can be seen throughout my blog where you can vote for one of the eight shows I'm talking about today so I can see once and for all which show people think has the best animation. I'll write a paragraph about each show as if I was making the case why that show should win and you all get to decide after reading! 


  • Spoiler free! \*(^o^)*/
  • Vote at the end
  • Keep an open mind (Try to be as little biased as possible)
  • This is not for best anime, this is for the show with the best animation.
Let's get started!!!!!!!!!!


From the winter season I present to you Erased by A-1 Pictures. I would describe the animation of Erased as polished and complex. Every shot you see, every color that's expressed has meaning throughout the show. The symbolism of the color red is impactful and adds a second layer of awe that few other shows can replicate. If you haven't noticed, the color red is used in the show for two purposes; moments of warmth and love and moments of danger. Don't believe me, watch the show again and watch out for it. The animation's polish gives Erased the crisp look we like to see but even better, the angles and art direction of the show give it's animation a new perspective that's rejuvenating. The scenes can be heartwarming and then suddenly turn drastic and intense. This show provides animation that is just jaw dropping! How can you not vote for this one!


From the spring season, it is Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress by Studio Wit. There's only one phrase that can describe the are of this show; DAAAAAAAMN! I mean have you looked at this, there's so much detail and good motion that I'm having a heart attack just looking at it. The animation for Kabaneri knows how to set the mood when it comes to zombie butt-kicking action. Detailed death animations, explosions of blood pouring out of Kabaneri bodies is just a beautiful thing. Let's not forget the warriors kicking that butt! Characters are highly detailed and have a larger than life feel that you expect from Studio Wit. The landscapes are awesome too. green pastures mixed in with steampunk architecture is something we don't see too often but man does it look good! The animation of Kabaneri just screams epic and that is why there is no other show you should be voting for than Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress! 

My Hero Academia

Spring brings the hit shonen show, My Hero Academia by Studio Bones. I would describe this show's animation as cartoonish and fluid. Studio Bones is great at creating this cartoonish look to anime that they're famous for such as in Soul Eater. The cartoonish nature of the show perfects the sense of adventure that we expect from this story. The animation is at its best when expressing extreme emotions like determination or desire. The animation is used in such a way that it enhances that emotion tenfold! the same could be said about action scenes. Action scenes are well drawn and flow very naturally. People may be turned off by anime that looks a bit cartoony but I say nay! We don't get to see anime like this often so I find it to be a fresh take from the traditional anime we see today. Stellar animation that enhances the feelings of characters and audience is the reason why My Hero Academia deserves to be the show with the best animation!


Last contestant coming out of the spring season is Space Patrol Luluco by Studio Trigger. Trigger always does amazing work and it's no different here either. Not many people have even seen this show since the episodes only run for 7-8 minutes but that doesn't make this show any less great! Honestly, thanks to the animation, I've gotten more excitement out of this short than many full length shows that I've seen this year. The animation is best described as being active and fun. When you watch Luluco, you can see that there aren't many times when the show is still; something always happening or changing.The animation is colorful and simpler than traditional anime giving it the lively feel that we enjoy. The animation is great at heightening the comedy and absurdities that Luluco is known for and which really makes the show unique. That's why Space Patrol Luluco is a cut above the rest and deserves the title of best animation.


From the creator of One Punch Man comes a new epic series with the best animation you could ever hope for. From Studio Bones, its Mob Psycho 100. There's only one way to describe Mob Psycho's animation; messy but refined. This purposely messy art style gives a flair we haven't seen in the anime industry for quite some time. The animation can seem lackluster and then suddenly jumps into a burst of detailed and fluid art that has you standing in complete awe. Hours of hard work go into an animation that looks messy but terrific at the same time. Animation  like this is innovative, refreshing, and above all completely awesome!!! The action scenes are the best you'll ever see and that's saying something! Psychic abilities, evil spirits, hand to hand combat is all demonstrated beautifully through the work of Studio Bones.The art-style of Mob Psycho is one of the best that I've seen this year and that is the reason everyone should vote for this show.


From the fall season comes a story of figure skating like it's never been told before. I present to you all Yuri on Ice by Studio Mappa. I didn't think figure skating would ever be so attracting to me but after seeing the beautiful animation done by Studio Mappa, I was highly impressed. This show was definitely an underdog at the beginning of the season but now has become one of the most popular shows of the year. I think the main reason for this is because of the great skating animations that we get to see so often. You an describe Yuri's animation as breathing with life. Skating scenes take a life of their own thanks to fluid animation and great camera work. The camera moves as if you were skating with them inside the rink and the angles the camera takes is absolutely spectacular. Even when watching performances from afar, you feel like a spectator sitting in your seat watching the performance take place in front of your very eyes. Yuri on Ice's animation and approach to camera work make it the best animation of the year and should easily win this competition. 


This next entry isn't a show at all but deserves great praise for what it has done; This is the song Shelter by Porter Robinson and A-1 Pictures. In the span of a couple minutes the animation of this music video had our eyes balling which other shows need an entire season to accomplish. The animation by A-1 Pictures is breathtaking to say the least. The sense of loneliness was perfectly created with the variety of open background scenery. Wide and vast fields, icy tundras, empty neighborhoods; all of it giving the feel that the video aspired to reach. Beautiful effects design give the video that professional touch that you expect from A-1 Pictures and adds an extra layer of depth that makes the video all the more enticing. Overall, it's just great animation doing its job; telling a story. Although this entry will get a lot of debate, I believe that there is no better choice than Shelter to be best animation. 


From the fall season, the beautiful original Flip Flappers by Studio 3hz. This studio may not be all that well known yet but they made sure their voices were heard with this project. Flip Flappers is an extraordinary piece that can only be described as colorful and epic! To start off, I'm not even a huge fan of magical girl anime so it really has to take me away in order for me to watch it and Flip Flappers did just that. The reason I took a liking to the show was primarily for two reasons. The first reason is that the action animations are spectacular. I can genuinely call this a show full of Sakuga (over the top quality animation). The second reason being the the color palette and world creation is top notch. Every new world you see is well drawn and gives off the sense of adventure that this show is all about! The spontaneous color changes with scenery and characters is exciting and keeps you interested in whats going on. That's why Flip Flappers deserves to win best animation of the year for all the great things it does.

So everyone, what do you think? Which show deserves the crown of best animation? Tell me down in the comments below and if the show you thought had the best animation isn't here, then tell me the show i'm missing. Don't forget to vote at the poll for your favorite (or other if you completely disagree with everything I've said). Before you click out, consider checking out my YouTube Channel, GiraffePants Anime for more anime content! With all that said, I hope you all enjoyed reading and hope to see you here next post!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Top 10 Blue Haired Anime Girls

Aren’t women in anime just beautiful? They come from various backgrounds, abilities, quirks, and most important of all (arguably) hair color. If you watch anime a lot, you tend to develop preferences for a great anime girl and hair color is definitely one such characteristic. Today, I will be talking about the ladies who sport the color blue and are always cool. This is the top ten anime girls with blue hair.


                                                        10. Ami Mizuno

First girl to make this list is Ami Mizuno better known as Sailor Mercury from Sailor Moon. Ami has the classic personality for a girl with blue hair. She is the cool and rational type. She is polite and is smart compared to other characters. She cares for people deeply which makes sense since she wants to become a doctor. Ami makes it on this list because of her ice cool personality. If I knew someone like her in real life, I’d be down to the center of the earth because that’s how hard people would fall for her (did that make sense?).

09. Shiina

The next girl on our list is Shiina from the popular Angel Beats. She may be silent but she has a sharp tongue and combat skills that are even sharper! One of the more mysterious members of the SSS, Shiina is quiet but opens her mouth when she has something important to say but those things tend to be ridicule on her members or plans against god. Don’t try to pick a fight though because Shiina is a self-proclaimed ninja. She has multiple kunai which she can throw with great precision and agility to get away from sticky situations. Shiina makes this list for having such an intense personality and kunai to match; also she has a secret love for cute things, especially cats.

08. Momoko Hyakushiki

At number eight is Momoko Hyakushiki from the currently popular Nanbaka. Momoko is the warden of the most advanced security prison in the world. If someone told me that, I’d be pretty impressed but that is not why she’s on this list. She is on this list for two reasons. The first is the she is very beautiful, I really mean that. She can take me to jail and do whatever she wants with me! I apologize if that joke sucked. The second reason is that Momoko has two sides to her personality. The first side is her serious warden side. The second side is her secret girly side where she shows her secret love for one of the prison gaurds! Watching that side of her makes me die with laughter! If you look up some videos, you’ll see what I mean.

07. Umi Sonada

Number seven of this list belongs to Umi Sonada from Love Live! Umi is seven on this list because she also boasts the classic cool personality but she can also sing! Umi is a member of the girl group in the show and tends to be calm, cool, and collected. Despite this, Umi can get very flustered if she is in a situation that makes her uncomfortable.  She also has a great singing voice (I only like the voice of Umi and one other member of the show). Her voice is mature and elegant which is always a plus for me but it’s not enough to put her further down the list.

06. Konan

The next girl on this list is Konan from Naruto. Konan makes the top ten for having one of the coolest abilities! Konan also has the classic cool personality (I’m telling you, this is a thing!) but that is not important compared to her ninjitsu. Konan has ninjitsu abilities related to paper and if you think the power of paper sounds lame, well you have no idea what you’re talking about! She can manipulate paper to be as sharp as knives, strong as a bridge, and she can create wings for herself with millions of pieces of paper. That awesome ability gets her high on this list.

05. Tsugumi Seishirou

Number five on this list is Tsugumi Seishirou from Nisekoi. Tsugumi is a bodyguard and childhood friend to the main female protagonist. She has the personality of a loyal knight, always sticking to her friend’s side and looking out for them but that is not the reason she is on this list. Tsugumi hits number five because she is a secret beauty (what does that mean?). You know when you see someone and you don’t think that person is cute at first but then that person becomes increasingly more attractive as you time passes and in the end they seem irresistible to you. It’s the same deal here. You don’t think much of Tsugumi when you first meet her but as time passes, you end up liking her a lot.

04. Megumi Tadokoro

At number four is Megumi Tadokoro from Shokugeki no Soma. Megumi is a student of the highly esteemed Tootsuki Culinary Academy and comes from humble beginnings. Megumi comes from a small harbor town and attends the great culinary school to improve her abilities despite the fact that most students come from rich culinary backgrounds. Megumi comes in at number four for having the cutest personality ever. Megumi gets flustered very easily and is pretty clumsy. She is a tender girl who is always nice to others and tries her best to not be a bother to other people. She doesn’t have much confidence in her cooking skills but as the show continues, her confidence grows and she develops more faith in herself. You can’t help but love her and all her little cute traits.

03. Rem

Number three on the top ten list belongs to Rem from ReZero. Rem is a maid in the show who has some crazy powers but her powers are not the reason for her being so far in this list. The reason Rem is deep in the list is because she has the greatest dedication of any character I’ve seen. There’s a point in the show where Rem is traveling with the main protagonist as he tries to save the girl he loves but his mental state is in a dark place. Despite that, she stays by his side even when he mentally breaks down. She stays by his side out of love for him and in the end, gives him the strength to get over his mental instability and go save his love. Tragic, but to be that dedicated even when you know your love won’t be returned is something to admire.

02. Juvia Lockser

At number two is Juvia Lockser from Fairytail. Juvia is a member of the magical guild, Fairytail and has the magical ability to control water. Juvia is number two on the list because she has a great personality and an even better body! Whoo! Juvia has an awesome figure; just google her and you’ll see so many great picture of her. Her personality is something to behold too because it has developed dramatically throughout the show. When she is first introduced, she is seen as distant, monotone, and has a classic cool personality. As the show continues she becomes more friendly, emotional, loving, and funny. She is one of the most beautiful characters of the show and that gets her pretty far in this list.

01. Mio Naganohara

Finally, at number one on this top ten list is Mio Naganohara from Nichijou. Mio hits number one on this list because she is one of the funniest characters I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing. Mio is involved in some of the craziest hijinks a show can have and watching her makes people laugh until their stomachs hurt. Her funny actions really hit the funny bone hard. From her short temper to her passion for drawing Yaoi (boys love), Mio is a fantastic character that brings joy to viewers eyes and for that reason, she hits number one in this top ten list!

Well...I hope you guys enjoyed this blog! If you did, consider following the blog or consider checking out my YouTube Channel, GiraffePants Anime where I got plenty of videos for you guys to see. Leave comments down below about what you think about this list or who you think belongs here!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Film Theory & Art Direction: March Comes in Like a Lion

Now that the Fall 2016 season is over with we can look forward to a bunch of new exciting anime to blow our minds but even before that I have to talk about a lot of shows that I witnessed during the past year. One of those is March Comes in Like a Lion. I'm not doing a review on this show because it's only halfway done but I can't help but write about this show a little so I thought it would be a great idea to talk about one of the show's strong points; its art direction. I hope you guys are ready for some film theory and deep analysis (if you're not, read anyway because why not!) because I have a lot of good things to talk about.


Before I begin, I'm assuming you know what I'm talking about but if you don't here is a little synopsis (Skip to the next subheading if you know the story):

Rei Kiriyama is a 17-year-old boy who recently started living alone, financed by his salary as a professional Shogi player. Despite his independence, however, he's yet to mature emotionally, and his problems continue to haunt him in his daily life. His relationship with his adoptive family is strained, and he has difficulties interacting with his fellow high school students. Meanwhile, his professional career has entered a slump. Burdened with the heavy expectations placed on him as the fifth to become pro in middle school, his wins and losses are fluctuating as his record and progression into the ranks begin to stagnate.

Acquainted with Rei are the three Kawamoto sisters: Akari, Hinata, and Momo. Unlike Rei, they live happily in their modest home, which they warmly welcome Rei into as if he were one of their own. Despite his reservations about becoming too close to the family, he frequently visits, interacting with them and receiving the kind of care and affection he never quite had while under his foster home.This is the story of Rei's triumphs and failures, relationships new and old, and his growth as a person

-Information provided by: MyAnimeList

Attention to Detail

The first thing I want to talk about is the detail put into the simplest of scenes. If you don't think small attention to details matter then let me tell you, YOU ARE DEAD WRONG!!! Detail can elevate a show to monstrous proportions if done right. It's like when you watch Inception (by the way, great movie) and start picking up on little clues to unfold the story before they tell you. March Comes in Like a Lion is good at putting in subtle scenes that perfectly describe the situation at hand.  

This next picture will be a perfect example but first some context:

Before the following scene, our main character Rei is having a match against a fellow shogi professional who's career isn't going to well. His career is bad to the point where he results to drinking and gambling. Because of this, he now faces a divorce from his wife who can't take anymore of his BS. While Rei and the man play, we might not be sure who is winning but then comes the scene that describes what's going on. 

Rei's side shows a perfectly clean tray but on the other side, the man's tray is contains spilled bottles and some water all over the tray. We can clearly understand the situation thanks to this single frame that anyone can overlook. The man is obviously frustrated and anxious. as we continue the scene, we begin the scene you'll see that Rei is taking control of the game while the man is being backed into a corner. Scenes like these can really tell you what's happening without spelling it out for you and that's a mark of a good show. 

Artistic Decisions Done Right

Now let's get into a little bit of film theory. Continuing with the previous scene I was talking about, the man Rei is playing against is on the losing side of things and then we see this scene.

This is another great scene that shows how powerless the man is to the talent of Rei. In this scene, we see the man looking down towards the shogi board but his body only covers about 10% of the screen. His small size represents how powerless the man is compared to Rei. Rei is represented by the light above the man's head because Rei's talent is bright and prodigious. The light hangs above the man to say that Rei is above him or in a position of power. I could be reading too much into it but then again, who knows what the director was thinking when making this. Okay onto another example. 

Let's get into some more context:

This next scene takes place in an episode prior to the last one where Rei plays against an old man who's career as a shogi player is just abysmal. He plays mediocre at his best and terrible at his worst. This match happens to be important for both Rei and the old man because Rei's income as a shogi player is at stake and the old man intends to retire if he loses. The old man realizes that his chances of winning are slim so instead he accepts that his career will be ended at the hands of Rei. The old man states, followed by the next scene.
 "I could only think of you as a grim reaper, come to close the curtain on my life as a shogi player."

This is another great artistic scene. at first it just looks like Rei silhouetted by a bright light in the background but there's a lot of meaning here. First, the light. The light in the background represents the afterlife. We know this because the old man refers to Rei as being a reaper so we can imply that the light is meant to show the end of his career. Rei's face is black and covered by shadows to give a sense of mysteriousness, power, and supernatural prowess. The purpose of this scene is to strengthen the statement made by the old man and it does just that. 

This show is full of beautiful art and excellent story telling so If you haven't checked it out yet then I highly suggest you do so. It's a great show and I'm excited to continue it in all of its glory. The next blog coming up will be a top 10 of my favorite female characters with blue hair so make sure you follow me on Google+ to stay informed on that. I also have a YouTube Channel just about anime called, GiraffePants Anime so you can check out my videos over there and subscribe if you like what you see (Note* I'm fucking hideous...). With all that said, I hope you all enjoyed this post and I will catch you all later.